
p: Laura Thompson


The Brooklyn-based four piece Lunarette are stylistically hard to pin down. Members Kevin Doxsey, Brian Alvarez, Colin O’Neill, and Jackie Mendoza are drawn to working together specifically because of their divergent tastes, a crucial part of their formula for producing iridescent songs that defy quick categorization. On their debut EP, Clair de Lunarette, some songs evoked Cocteau Twins-esque dream pop built on a foundation of articulate production, where others dabbled in melancholic indie rock with a pop-focused sensuality. Lunarette’s ambitious sound is glued together by Mendoza’s enrapturing vocals, the sole constant for a group in which principal songwriters change from song to song.

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  • Brian Alvarez
  • Kevin Doxsey
  • Jackie Mendoza
  • Colin O’Neill

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Recalling turn-of-the-millennium pop, Lunarette installs an undeniable feeling of nostalgia into their music, whether or not you lived through the height of TRL thanks to Mendoza’s melancholic vocal delivery. “Low Sky” is warm like the fading rays of sunshine as night approaches.

Clean and controlled, with a melancholy edge.
-Bandcamp Daily, Album of the Day

Released at the dawn of a verdant, hopeful spring, these songs shimmer with the golden glow of nostalgia.
-Flood Magazine on Clair de Lunarette

If you've been needing some musical bliss in your life, look no further than Lunarette to dazzle and delight. Keep an eye on this band: they won't be a hidden gem for long.
-The Revue

Their latest project hears them tidying away the past’s fuzzy corners and sun-coated jangle for a key-sophisticate of dream-pop swirling in the night sky.
-Recommended Listen

“Lucky One” sees Lunarette trade the jangly dual guitar attack of their previous outfit for a softer, more new-wave focused approach without losing their uncanny knack for huge pop hooks.
-Flood Magazine

A shuffling, stoic slice of retro-pop.
-The Alternative, on "Austin St."

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